Installing Sycomore#


Packaged versions of Sycomore are available on Anaconda for Linux, macOS and Windows: to install, type conda install -c conda-forge sycomore.

From source#

The recommended way to install from the source code is to work in a Conda environment. Git and C++14 compilers must be available; if this is not the case, they can be installed through Conda: conda install -c conda-forge compilers git

Start by setting up the environment:

  1. Clone the source repository: git clone

  2. Install the dependencies: conda -c conda-forge install boost boost-cpp cmake make numpy pybind11 scipy xsimd xtensor xtensor-python

In the source directory, create a build directory and configure the build from there: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. In addition to the common CMake options (e.g. CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE or CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX), Sycomore may be built with the following options:

  • BUILD_TESTING controls the build of the C++ unit test executables; defaults to ON, i.e. the unit tests are compiled

  • BUILD_PYTHON_WRAPPERS controls the build of the Python wrappers; defaults to ON, i.e. the Python wrappers are built

  • BUILD_EXAMPLES controls the build of the C++ examples; defaults to ON, i.e. the C++ examples are built

Once the build is configured, run it: cmake --build . --target install --config Release --parallel

If the install directory is not in the standard path you will need to adjust your environment to point to the install directory (LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on macOS and PATH on Windows, PYTHONPATH on all platforms).

Once the compilation succeeds, the units tests can be run from the build directory:

export SYCOMORE_TEST_DATA=$(pwd)/../tests/data
ctest -T Test
python3 -m unittest discover -s ../tests/python/